The Role of Occupational Self-Efficacy as a Mediator between Paradoxical Leadership and Job Crafting from the Lens of Proactive Motivation Theory




Theory of proactive motivation model, paradoxical leadership, Occupational self-efficacy, Job crafting


Purpose- By utilizing the theory of the proactive motivation model, the mediation effect of occupational self-efficacy between paradoxical leadership and job crafting has been examined in this study.

Study Design/methodology/approach- This study adopted a temporally segregated research design for two time intervals, 1 month apart; we collected data from 422 employees from the telecom sector of Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

Findings- Using SMART PLS-SEM, the findings showed that the relationship between paradoxical leadership and job crafting was mediated by occupational self-efficacy. The data supported the hypothesized relationships.

Research Practical Implications- The study highlights the significance of employees’ proactive behavior providing practical insights for managers and identifies occupational elements by incorporating the model of proactive motivation theory. Organizations can undertake leadership training that is specifically designed to promote proactivity. Managers should create a balanced leadership and conducive environment to initiate occupational self-efficacy that can promote proactivity in job crafting.

Originality/value- There is limited research on paradoxical leadership that can align with the proactivity of employees who have been efficacious at work. These findings offer insight into how employees' occupational self-efficacy can initiate the proactivity of job crafting in a dynamic environment.







How to Cite

Noureen Akhtar, & Adnan Riaz. (2024). The Role of Occupational Self-Efficacy as a Mediator between Paradoxical Leadership and Job Crafting from the Lens of Proactive Motivation Theory. Journal of Innovative Research in Management Sciences, 5(2), 22-40.